Sharon Shwartz received his B.A in physics from the Technion in 2001. He joined the group of Professor Moredechai Segev at the Technion in 2002. Sharon’s dissertation focused on the studying of the enormous light-induced changes in the optical, mechanical and electrical properties of the semiconductor CdZnTe:V. This research was a truly multidisciplinary study, involving nonlinear optics and material science techniques. Sharon was among the first six awardees of the prestigious Adams Fellowships for doctoral students awarded by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. In 2008, Sharon completed his doctorate and decided to join the group of Professor Stephen Harris at Stanford University as a postdoctoral fellow. Motivated by the construction of the world’s first x-ray free-electron laser two miles away from Stanford University, Sharon has started to explore the possibilities of extending concepts of laser physics as known at visible wavelengths to x-ray wavelengths. Sharon’s research during the time he spent at Stanford revealed a plethora of new effects with x-ray photons.
In October 2012, Sharon Shwartz joined the physics department at Bar-Ilan University as a new faculty member. He pursues the research on nonlinear and quantum phenomena in the x-ray portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. In particular, Sharon explores fundamental phenomena associated with high fields at x-ray wavelengths, and develops new techniques to probe the world around us at atomic spatial and temporal scales.
Ph.D. in Physics, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 2009
Dissertation title: Nonlinear Optics In CdZnTe:V
B.A. in Physics, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 2001
2012-present Associate professor, Physics Department, Bar Ilan University.
2009-2012 Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
2001-2003 Scientist, R&D, Optimaze Telecom, Rehovot, Israel.
The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, The Adams Fellowship (2005)
Technion, The Applied Materials Fellowship (2005)
Tecnion, The Miriam and Aharon Gutwirth Fellowship Award (2004)
Technion award for excellence in teaching (2004)
Current Research Interests
► Quantum optics.
► Biphotons generation and manipulation.
► Nonlinear phenomena at x-ray energies.
► Quantum optics in the x-ray regime.
► Second order nonlinear optics in centro-symmetric materials.
Papers published in Refereed Journals
- R. Cohen, S. Shwartz & E. Cohen “Loss-resilient, x ray interaction-free measurements” Vol. 3, No. 1 Optica Quantum (2025).
- O. Sefi, Y. Klein, Z. Sobol, S.Bloch, H. Schwartz, E. Cohen, & S. Shwartz “20 µm resolution multipixel ghost imaging with high-energy x-rays” , Vol. 32, No. 21, Optics Express 37001 (2024).
- A. Ben-Yehuda, O. Sefi, Y. Klein, H. Schwartz, E. Cohen, R. H. Shukrun & S. Shwartz “High-resolution computed tomography with scattered X-ray radiation and a single pixel detector“, Communications Engineering volume 3, Article number: 39 (2024) .
- M. Manni ,A. Ben-Yehuda, Y. Klein, B. Lukic, A. Kingston, A. Rack, S. Shwartz, and N. Viganò. “Synchrotron-based x ray fluorescence ghost imaging” ,Optics Letters 6271 , Vol. 48, No. 23 (2023).
- D. D. Angelis, E. Principi , F. Bencivenga, D. Fausti, L. Foglia, Y. Klein, M. Manfredda, R. Mincigrucci, A Montanaro , E. Pedersoli , J. Stefano, P. Cresi, G. Perosa , K. C. Prince , E. Razzoli , S. Shwartz, A. Simoncig, S. Spampinati, C. Svetina , J. Szlachetko , A. Tripathi, I. A. Vartanyants , M. Zangrando, and F. Capotondi . “Free electron laser stochastic spectroscopy revealing silicon bond softening dynamics” ,Physical Review B 107, 214305 (2023).
- Y. Klein, A.K. Tripathi, E. Strizhevsky , F. Capotondi, D. Angelis , L. Giannessi, M. Pancaldi , E. Pedersoli, K. C. Prince, O. Sefi, Y. Y. Kim, I. A. Vartanyants , and S. Shwartz. “High-spectral-resolution absorption measurements with free-electron lasers using ghost spectroscopy” , Physical Review A 107, 053503 (2023).
- Y. Klein, O. Sefi, H. Schwartz and S. Shwartz “Chemical element mapping by x ray computational ghost flurescence“, OPTICA 441682, Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2022).
- S. Sofer, O. Sefi, A. G. A. Nisbet , and S. Shwartz, “Measurements of polarization dependencies in parametric down-conversion of x rays into ultraviolet radiation” Physical Review B 104, 085207 (2021).
- E. Strizhevsky, D. Borodin, A. Schori , S. Francoual , R. Röhlsberger , and S. Shwartz, “Efficient Interaction of Heralded X-Ray Photons with a Beam Splitter ” Physical Review Letters 127, 013603 (2021).
- S. Shwartz “Single-pixel imaging with high-energy electromagnetic radiation and particles” Science Bulletin, article in press.
- O. Sefi, Y. Klein, E. Strizhevsky, I.P. Dolbnya and S. Shwartz “X-ray imaging of fast dynamics with single-pixel detector” Optics Express 24568, Vol. 28, No. 17 (2020).
This article was highlighted in a news release by the Optical Society online magazine. - S. Volkovich and S. Shwartz “Subattosecond x-ray Hong–Ou–Mandel metrology” Optics Letters 2728 , Vol. 45, No. 10 (2020).
- S. Mukamel, M. Freyberger , W.Schleich, M. Bellini , A. Zavatta , G. Leuchs, C. Silberhorn , R. W. Boyd, L. L. Sánchez-Soto , A. Stefanov , M. Barbieri, A. Paterova, L. Krivitsky, S. Shwartz, K. Tamasaku, K. Dorfman , F. Schlawin, V. Sandoghdar , M. Raymer , A. Marcus, O. Varnavski, T. Goodson, Z.-Y. Zhou, B. S. Shi , S. Asban , M. Scully, G. Agarwal , T. Peng , A. V. Sokolov, Z.D. Zhang , M. S. Zubairy , I. A Vartanyants, E. del Valle and F. Laussy “Roadmap on quantum light spectroscopy” Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics , 53 072002 (2020).
- S. Sofer, O. Sefi, E. Strizhevsky , H. Aknin , S.P. Collins, G. Nisbet , B. Detlefs , Ch.J. Sahle and
S. Shwartz “Observation of strong nonlinear interactions in parametric down-conversion of X-rays into ultraviolet radiation ” Nature Communications, Vol. 10, No.5673 (2019). - R. Cohen and S. Shwartz “Theory of nonlinear interactions between x rays and optical radiation in crystals”, Physical Review Research 1, 033133 (2019).
- S. Sofer, E. Strizhevsky, A. Schori, K. Tamasaku, and S. Shwartz “Quantum Enhanced X-ray Detection ”, Physical Review X 9, 031033 (2019).
The article was highlighted in Physics magazine and the New scientist magazine. - E. Minerbi and S. Shwartz “Difference frequency generation of ultraviolet from x-ray pulses in opaque materials” ,Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol. 36, No.3 (2019).
- Y. Klein, A. Schori , I. P. Dolbnya, K. Sawhney and S. Shwartz “X-ray computational ghost imaging with single-pixel detector” , Optic Express 3284, Vol. 27, No. 3 (2019).
- D. Borodin, A. Schori, J.-P. Rueff, J. M. Ablett, and S. Shwartz “Evidence for Collective Nonlinear Interactions in X Ray into Ultraviolet Parametric Down-Conversion ”, Physical Review Letters, 122, 023902 (2019).
- A. Schori, D. Borodin, K. Tamasaku, and S. Shwartz “Ghost imaging with paired x-ray photons“, Phys. Rev. A 97, 063804 (2018).
- A. Schori, C. Bömer, D. Borodin, S. P. Collins, B. Detlefs, M. Moretti Sala, S. Yudovich, and
S. Shwartz, “Parametric Down-Conversion of X Rays into the Optical Regime“, Physical Review Letters, 119, 253902 (2017). - A. Schori and S. Shwartz “X-ray ghost imaging with a laboratory source”, Optics Express Vol.25
Iss. 13, 14822-14828 (2017). - D. Borodin , S. Levy , and S. Shwartz “High energy-resolution measurements of x-ray into ultraviolet parametric down-conversion with an x-ray tube source”, Applied Physics Letters Vol.110, Issue 13 (2017).
- S. Ghimire, M. Fuchs, J. B. Hastings, S. C. Herrmann, Y. Inubushi, J. Pines, S. Shwartz, M. Yabashi, and D. A. Reis, “Nonsequential two-photon absorption from the K shell in solid zirconium”, Phys. Rev. A, 94,043418 (2016).
- D. Borodin, A. Schori, F. Zontone, and S. Shwartz, “X-ray photon pairs with highly suppressed background”, Phys. Rev. A, 94, 013843 (2016).
- M. Fuchs, M. Trigo, J. Chen, S. Ghimire, S. Shwartz, M. Kozina, M. Jiang, T Henighan, C. Bray,
G. Ndabashimiye, P. H. Bucksbaum, Y. Feng, S. Herrmann , G.A. Carini, J. Pines, P. Hart, C. Kenney , S. Guillet , S. Boutet , G. Williams , M. Messerschmidt , M. Seibert , S. Möller , J. B. Hastings and D. A. Reis “Anomalous nonlinear X-ray Compton scattering”, Nature Physics 3452, 10.1038 (2015). - S. Yudovich and S. Shwartz, “Second-harmonic generation of focused ultrashort x-ray pulses”, Journal of the Optical Society of America B . Vol. 32, No. 9 (2015).
- E. Shwartz and S. Shwartz, “Difference-Frequency Generation of Optical Radiation from Two-Color X-Ray Pulses”, Optics Express Vol. 23, Iss. 6, pp. 7471–7480 (2015).
** This article was selected for publication in the most recent issue of the “Virtual Journal for Biomedical” (VJBO), Volume 10, Issue 4. - S. Yudovich and S. Shwartz, “X-ray-pulse characterization by spectral shearing interferometry using three-wave mixing”, Physical Review A 90, 033805 (2014).
- S. Shwartz, M. Fuchs, J. B. Hastings, Y. Inubushi, T. Ishikawa, T. Katayama, D. A. Reis, T. Sato, K. Tono, M. Yabashi, S. Yudovich, and S. E. Harris, “X-Ray Second Harmonic Generation”, Physical Review Letters, 112, 163901 (2014).
- T.E. Glover, D.M. Fritz, M. Cammarata, T.K. Allison, Sinisa Coh, J.M. Feldkamp, H. Lemke, D. Zhu, R.N. Coffee, M. Fuchs, S. Ghimire, J. Chen, S. Shwartz, D.A. Reis, S.E. Harris, and J. B. Hastings, “X-ray and optical wave mixing”, Nature, 488, 603 (2012).
- S. Shwartz, R. N. Coffee, J. M. Feldkamp, Y. Feng, J. B. Hastings, G. Y. Yin, and S. E. Harris,
“X-ray Parametric Down-Conversion in the Langevin Regime”, Physical Review Letters, 109, 013602 (2012). - S. Shwartz and S. E Harris, “Polarization Entangled Photons at X-Ray Energies”, Physical Review Letters, 106, 080501 (2011).
- S. Shwartz, K.V. Adarsh, M. Segev, E. Lakin, E. Zolotyoyabko, and U. El-Hanany, “Persistent light-induced change in the effective band gap and reversible control over the effective band gap in bulk semiconductor crystals“, Physical Review B (Rapid Communication), 83, 241201(R), (2011).
- S. Shwartz, M. Segev, S. Berger, E. Zolotoyabko, and U. El-Hanany, “Light-induced ionic polarization in CdZnTe:V semiconductors giving rise to giant nonlinearities”, Physical Review B 79, 193202 (2009).
- S. Shwartz, M. Segev, E. Zolotoyabko, and U. El-Hanany, “Spatial modulation instability driven by light-enhanced nonlinearities in semiconductor CdZnTe:V crystals”, Applied Physics Letters 93, 101116 (2008).
- S. Shwartz, R. Weil, M. Segev, E. Lakin, E. Zolotoyabko, V. M. Menon, S. R. Forrest, and U. El-Hanany, “Light-induced symmetry breaking and related giant enhancement of nonlinear properties in CdZnTe:V crystals”, Optics Express 14, 9385 (2006).
- S. Shwartz, M. Segev, and U. El-Hanany, “Self-deflection and all-optical beam steering in CdZnTe”, Optics letters, 29 760 (2004)
- T. Schwartz, Y. Ganor, T. Carmon, R. Uzdin, S. Shwartz, M. Segev, and U. El-Hanany, “Photorefractive solitons and light-induced resonance control in semiconductor CdZnTe”, Optics Letters, 27 1229 (2002).
- S. Shwartz,D. Borodin, and A. Schori, “Observation of nearly collinear x-ray pairs”, The Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE), Snowbird, UT, USA (2016). (Invited)
- S. Shwartz,”X-Ray Nonlinear Wave-Mixing”, FisMat- Italian National Conference on Condensed Matter Physics, Palermo, Italy, (2015). (Invited)
- S. Shwartz, “Difference-Frequency Generation of Optical Radiation from Two-Color X-Ray Pulses”,22th INTERNATIONAL LASER PHYSICS WORKSHOP, Shanghai, China (2015). (Invited)
- E. Shwartz and S. Shwartz, “Difference-Frequency Generation of Optical Radiation from Two-Color X-Ray Pulses”, Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, USA(2015).
- S. Shwartz, “X-Ray Nonlinear Wave-Mixing”, Workshop on Nonlinear X-ray Optics, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland, (2015). (Invited)
- E. Shwartz and S. Shwartz, “Difference-Frequency Generation of Optical Radiation from TwoColor X-Ray Pulses”, Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, USA (2015).
- S. Shwartz, M. Fuchs, J. B. Hastings, Y. Inubushi, T. Ishikawa, T. Katayama, D. A. Reis, T. Sato, K. Tono, M. Yabashi, S. Yudovich, and S. E. Harris, “X-Ray Second Harmonic Generation”, 23rd Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS), Sofia, Bulgaria(2014). (Invited)
- S. Shwartz, “X-Ray Nonlinear Wave-Mixing”,Jena, Germany, (2014). (Invited)
- S. Shwartz, M. Fuchs, J. B. Hastings, Y. Inubushi, T. Ishikawa, T. Katayama, D. A. Reis, T. Sato, K. Tono, M. Yabashi, S. Yudovich, and S. E. Harris, “X-Ray Second Harmonic Generation”, The Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE), Snowbird, UT(2014). (Invited)
- S. Shwartz, M. Fuchs, J. B. Hastings, Y. Inubushi, T. Ishikawa, T. Katayama, D. A. Reis, T. Sato, K. Tono, M. Yabashi, S. Yudovich, and S. E. Harris, “X-Ray Second Harmonic Generation”, OSA Topical Meeting on Nonlinear Optics (NLO),Kohala Coast, Hi (2013). (Invited)
- S. Shwartz, “X-Ray Second Harmonic Generation”,OASIS, Tel Aviv, Israel (2013). (Invited)
- S. Shwartz, “X-Ray Parametric Down-Conversion”,International Workshop on ATOMIC PHYSICS”, Dresden, Germany (2012). (Invited)
- S. E. Harrisand S. Shwartz, “Attosecond Biphotons by Parametric Down Conversion at X-ray wavelengths”, 21th INTERNATIONAL LASER PHYSICS WORKSHOP, Calgary, Canada (2012). (Invited)
- S. Shwartz, “X-Ray Parametric Down-Conversion in The Langevin Regime”, The Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE), Snowbird, UT(2012). (Invited)
- S. Shwartz, “X-ray Nonlinear Optics in Crystals “, LCLS/SSRL users’ meeting SLAC, CA(2011). (Invited)
- S. Shwartz, “Generation of Polarization Entangled Photons at X-Ray Energies “, SPRC 2010 Annual Symposium, Stanford, CA(2011). (Invited)
- S. Shwartz and S. E Harris, “Polarization Entangled Photons at X-Ray Energies”, OSA Topical Meeting on Nonlinear Optics (NLO), Kauai, Hi (2011).
- Adarsh, K V, Sharon Shwartz, Mordechai Segev, Lev Chuntonov, Zohar Amitay2, Emil Zolotoyabko, Uri El-Hanany “Light-Induced Tuning and Enhancement of Two Photon Absorption in Bulk Semiconductor Single Crystal”, Frontier in Optics, San Jose, CA, (2009).
- Adarsh, K V,Sharon Shwartz, Mordechai Segev, Emil Zolotoyabko, Uri El-Hanany, “Light-Induced Reversible Shift and Control of the Bandgap of Bulk CdZnTe:V Crystals” ,Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Baltimore, MD (2009).
- Sharon Shwartz, Mordechai Segev, Emil Zolotoyabko, Uri El-Hanany “Spatial modulation instability driven by light-enhanced nonlinearities in semiconductor CdZnTe:V crystals” ,Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose,CA (2008)
- Sharon Shwartz, Raoul Weil, Mordechai Segev, Eugene Lakin, Emil Zolotoyabko, Vinod M. Menon, Stephen R. Forrest, and Uri El-Hanany, “Light-Induced Ionic Displacement in CdZnTe:V Crystals Giving Rise to Crystalline Symmetry Breaking and Giant Nonlinearities” Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Long Beach, CA (2006).
- Sharon Shwartz, Raoul Weil, Mordechai Segev, Eugene Lakin, Emil Zolotoyabko, Vinod M. Menon, Stephen R. Forrest and Uri El-Hanany,”Light-Induced Symmetry Breaking and Related Giant Enhancement of Non-Linear properties in CdZnTe:V Crystals” Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Baltimore, MD (2005)-Post deadline paper.
- Sharon Shwartz, Mordechai Segev, and Uri El-Hanany, “ Self-deflection and all-optical beam steering in CdZnTe”, Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Francisco,CA (2004.(